Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 6 - Tagging, folksomonies & social bookmarking in

Today I joined Delicious, I book-marked a bunch of sites that I like as well as some that I found through searching the popular tags section in delicious. Delicious seems like quite a good research tool, though in terms of finding information from information (or linking) I still prefer to read an article or something and get a link from that as opposed to looking through tags on Delicous. Delicious would defintely be very helpful though if you were travelling and using different computers and you wanted to save your bookmarks.

I also joined up to technorati, and claimed my blog. I searched "learning 2.0" in the tags section, and the blogs section. It was quite surprising that I didn't find many blogs about this. This site seems very amerocentric, all the most popular posts seem to be american.

I read some of the articles about Library 2.0. Personally, most of the ideas surrounding library 2.0 sound sensible and practicle considering the way people are constantly evolving with their use of technology and the way they get information. Libraries can either sink or swim.


Unknown said...

Well done for completing week 6 and doing all your tasks And yes definitely we want libraries to swim!!

Unknown said...

Don't forget to do Rollyo - Week 5 #12 (week 5) Roll your own search engine with Rollyo. I look forward to reading more on you blog :-)

GN said...

Oh yes, I have been trying to do the Rollyo task but for a couple of weeks now. Each time I try the link it says that Rollyo is not working because it is having maintenance.