Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Web 2.0 Final Post

So I completed the on-line survey about the License to Play programme. I am a little worried that it I won't be recorded as having filled it in as I completed it on a computer with a generic library log-on and not my own account.

Overall I found this round of Web 2.0 very useful. I think maybe the fiction on-line resources could have been a little better. Some of the author sites were not a lot more useful than google though it was interesting to see them. The Lit-lovers site though was really great.

I enjoy doing these web 2.0 programmes and I get a lot out of them, I think it's great that we get the opportunity to upskill in worktime. It also seems mandatory to our jobs as librarians to keep up with web advances and new ways to get and share information. It would be cool it the next one concerntrated more on non-fiction resources. Also some excercises that focussed on resources/tools for children and teenagers.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 5 - Social Networks

I checked out all the book marking sites and signed up to stumble upon. I searched a few topics that I was interested in and found a good recommendation for an mp3 encoder. I found this site really useful because it is hard to filter through all the information available on the internet and recommendations for sites makes it much easier. I checked out the top art stories on Stumbleupon.com and the top one was about the side walk chalk guy. It was cool to see all his trompe de l'oeil chalk creations.

I found a story in the top stories of the last 24hrs on the Digg it site about the fifty most admired companies in the world. Turns out Apple Macintosh is at the top and Johnson and Johnson is not far behind. This site had lots of interesting stories on it especially ones that related to US politics.

One of the limitations of a lot of these bookmarking websites often seems to be that they largely focus and/or rely on American stories or news sources (Amerocentric).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

GoAnimate.com: Library Jam

GoAnimate.com: Library Jam

thumbnail for this animation

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

Week 4 - Get Creative - GO ANIMATE

I had a look at some of the ways other libraries had used Go Animate. I liked the lost library book animation. It seems like Go Animate is a fun way to promote resources and for use in a demonstrative sense. It's animations would probably appeal especially to kids.

I created an account on the go animate site and made an animation. I have embeded it in my blog above. The only problem with this site is the animations that you create are quite low resolution.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Animoto cat video I made

Web 2.0 Week 4 - Getting Creative


I joined Animoto and made a silly animation about cats which I have embedded below. I thought this would be a good tool to use to liven up story times or to present information for class visits to the library or other educational programmes that we have here. We could use it on our library website as well as a way to archive or to promote events that we have here. The only down site to this site is that it is a little slow and that you have to pay to create an animation that is more than 30 secs long.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Web 2.0 - Week 3 - Books and Authors

So I explored the Litlovers site. It seems like a really good resource if you are running a book club or even if you are just recommending a book to a customer. I like the way it has information on the books it recommends and extra information on the authors. This section of the site seems really thorough.

I liked the recipe section of the site and thought some good Southern American cooking could be good for a southern gothic themed book night. Fried Chicken with your Capote perhaps?

I thought that "The Catcher in the Rye" would be a good book for book club. I found a good synopsis of the book with and information about the author. There were quotes by readers about the book and good suggestions for discussion points in book club.

I thought this site would be a really good resource for secondary school students or university students who are interested in English. The Litcourses section of the site would be a good resource for them if they need extra help or extension. I did the Litcourse on "How to Find Meaning" and thought it would be especially good for students who have trouble with close reading which lots seem to.

One of the draw backs of this site, as one of my co-workers pointed out, is that it is only good if you are interested in more high-brow literature.

* Authors on the Web

I found Lemony Snickets official website http://www.lemonysnicket.com/ through the authoryellowpages website. I really like Lemony Snicket so this was good.

I joined Bookjetty as well and made my own book shelf. Here is a link to one the books on my bookshelf http://www.bookjetty.com/books/0316769029.

I thought this site would be good to recommend to customers who read a lot and who would like virtual recommendations of other books to read from other members of Bookjetty who have similar tastes to them.

Friday, February 13, 2009

License to play - week 2 Genealogy

I joined up to the "My heritage" and "Geni" websites and created a family tree in the "Geni" site. These sites seem very similar and both would be particularly good if you had a number of family members interested in researching your family tree and then you could share information easily and make connections through both of your seperate researches. I felt a bit strange about having my family tree published on-line and I thought that perhaps a lot of our customers would too but both sites are great graphical tools for building family trees even if you didn't want to share them on-line.

The Geni blog looked good too as well as the Kintalk one and they would both be helpful resources to pass on to customers who are wanting to know about how to go about starting to research their family trees.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Web 2.0 - License to play - discovery exercise

So I haven't used this blog since I participated in the web 2.0 programme in 2007 but it didn't take me long to find my blog because it is attached to the email I use regularly. I looked at the discovery resources about blogs and internal communication. It reminded me that we have the Fitch on our library zone which is similar to a blog and is a good way of communicating the best ways of finding resources and information between different library workers across the Auckland City Libraries system.

It was good to read other librarians blogs (that I found through http://www.libdex.com/weblogs.html) because again they always have good tips on the best ways to find information (using web technologies), good weblinks and great recommendations for books on a whole range of topics that will be good to pass on to customers.

On a personal level I find blogs a good way to keep up with my friends especially ones living overseas. http://www.tumblr.com/ Tumblr is a good blogging site and one that many of my friends use.