Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Web 2.0 Final Post

So I completed the on-line survey about the License to Play programme. I am a little worried that it I won't be recorded as having filled it in as I completed it on a computer with a generic library log-on and not my own account.

Overall I found this round of Web 2.0 very useful. I think maybe the fiction on-line resources could have been a little better. Some of the author sites were not a lot more useful than google though it was interesting to see them. The Lit-lovers site though was really great.

I enjoy doing these web 2.0 programmes and I get a lot out of them, I think it's great that we get the opportunity to upskill in worktime. It also seems mandatory to our jobs as librarians to keep up with web advances and new ways to get and share information. It would be cool it the next one concerntrated more on non-fiction resources. Also some excercises that focussed on resources/tools for children and teenagers.
